Our project

"Dis moi ce que tu manges, je te dirai qui tu es"

C'est en partant de cet aphorisme du gastronome français Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin que deux enseignants (une finlandaise et un français) ont décidé de faire un projet autour de la nourriture.
Pendant deux ans, des élèves de l'Oxhamns skola de Jakobstad et du collège François Mitterrand de Noisy-le-Grand ont échangé sur leurs traditions culinaires.
Chacun a rendu visite à l'autre pour approfondir les liens crées à travers ce projet.

The teatcher's idea was the set table with food as a symbol of hospitality and as the best opportunity of communication.
To start the interaction  pupils got to know each other by writing letters and exchanging messages via internet. The time in between our meetings was filled with cooking, making posters and power point presentation of our school and our recipes. English was the main language of communication.
We have developed a taste for traveling and meeting people from a different culture.
We took our motto (It's a food project) very seriously : we committed to cooking, baking, boiling, frying and tasting everything. What a sense of sacrifice !! Surprisingly, after two years, none of us put on weight !!
We want to thank our partner and family for a wonderful experience and happy memories.